This will show you how to delegate access for someone else to have access to your Outlook Inbox or Calendar.

If you are the delegate (admin or assistant), you should perform these steps on the computer of the person you support.

  1. Click on File at the top left corner of your Outlook.

  2. Go to Account Settings > Delegate Access

  3. Add a new delegate or edit the permissions of a delegate you've already assigned.

  4. Search for the delegate you want to add.

  5. Edit the permissions you'd like your delegate to have. 

    Note the difference between the permissions. 
    Reviewer: can read (view only) items.
    Author: can read and create items
    Editor: can ready, create and modify items (full access)

  6. Choose what you would like to happen with meeting requests addressed to you. Would you like to receive them with your delegate? Only your delegate?

If you are a delegate with Author or Editor Permissions to someone's Inbox, you can now open up a new email and change who you send email on behalf of. If you would like to send as someone, you need to request this from the Tech Team.

Select Options, choose to show the From field, choose the From drop-down, and select Other Email Address... to select who you want to send email as.

Find the person you support by typing in their name.

You can open the Inbox of the person you support if you have permissions set to see their inbox.

In Outlook, select File, then Open & Export, then Other User's Folder.

Choose the Name... option to select the person you support from the company address book. Then select OK.

Their inbox will appear below your Outlook folders on the left sidebar. If you receive an error trying to open this inbox at first, please wait up to 24 hours. There is a delay updating permissions and loading these inboxes.